TRAINING: We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm and Sundays at 9am
Various locations around the area, specific details of where can be found in the training schedule page
Janet and Alex are our main Tuesday night run leaders. This is a social run, a chance for a recovery run after a big weekend of running and a chat with friends. There is a faster training group and a slower social group so that everyone can run at pace which is comfortable for them.

Kevin is our Thursday night run leader. He is a qualified fell & mountain running coach with British Athletics (Level 2). The Thursday night sessions are structured training sessions and will often involve practicing off road running skills in the warm ups. These are a fun way to start the sessions.
The sessions are often split into different groups to suit all abilities.
Hill reps under headtorches on Hind Hill need Moffat.
Down technique being evaluated during a recce of Durisdeer race route.
Here we are having a bit of fun in our warm up for a harder interval session, we are trying to improve our agility balance and coordination in this video with the use of some old tyres.