HHRC Training for 2022
We normally hold two running specific training sessions per week and then a strength for running session.
On Tuesday we have a social run of around 5 to 6 miles, then on a Thursday we have a structured training session which is suitable for all abilities. We meet at 6:30pm both days.
The strength for running training session is done in association with Q-Fitness in Dumfries on a Wednesday night at 6pm. The session is a specialized session working on the key muscle groups involved in running to aid not only running performance but injury prevention. This is led by one of the Q-Fitness qualified strength coaches. There is a £5 per session cost to this, all other training sessions are free to all.
Long runs at the weekend are put ad Hoch on the group WhatsApp by members looking for company, these can be anything from a local 10 mile run on trails to big 30-mile Ultra training runs in the Lake District or the Highlands, contact the Coach for further details.
Training under Covid-19 restrictions as of 21/12/2021
While there are now no official restrictions we do ask that.
Please do not attend if you:
- Have tested positive for Covid-19.
- You are a household contact of a positive Covid-19 case.
- Have Covid-19 symptoms.
If you are not a current club member and would like to join one of our training sessions, please contact our Coach at Training.HHRC@gmail.com
Current training schedule:
Head torches now required for training runs.
Tuesday 4th October Durisdeer Lite
Claire Leading
As part of our anytime challenge we will do a time trial or threshold run depending on your training requirements. The run is about 8km in length.
Meet outside Durisdeer Church DG3 5BJ, What3words: ///mend.apart.teams
Fell shoes required.
Wednesday 5th October Dumfries
Q-Fitness coach leading
Strength training, cost is £5 per session
Indoor gym shoes recommended
Meet Queen of the South Arena, Dumfries DG2 9BA, What3words: eliminate.soda.coverage
Thursday 6th October Moffat HHRC bespoke training facility
Elysha leading
Structured training
Fell shoes recommended, and bring a yoga mat if you have one.
Meet at the back of the old school. Postcode: - DG10 9HX. What3words: - tilts.soon.sweeper
Sunday 9th October Broughton
Kev leading
Recce run for the British Hill Running Relay Championships.
Fell shoes recommended,
Suggest a café stop for cake afterwards.
Meet 10am at the Station car park Moffat, Beattock Road, A701, Moffat DG10 9HF.
What3words: - croak.thighs.resettle
Tuesday 11th October Penpont
Claire/Ian leading
Social run 5-6 miles
Trail shoes recommended
Meet Penpont junction of A702 and Greenan Road. Postcode DG3 4BS, What3Words jumbled.tastier.shed. Please Park with consideration for residents
Wednesday 12th October Dumfries
Q-Fitness coach leading
Strength training, cost is £5 per session
Indoor gym shoes recommended
Meet Queen of the South Arena, Dumfries DG2 9BA, What3words: eliminate.soda.coverage
Thursday 13th October The Hills near Dumfries
Kev leading
Structured training
Fell shoes recommended
Meet in the small car park on the A711 3 miles from Dumfries just after the railway viaduct on the righthand side. What3words: - circular.mysteries.warping
Saturday 15th October Broughton British Hill Running Relay Championships.
Race starts at 11am registration is open from 8:30 to 10:30am.
Meet 8:45am at the Station car park Moffat to car share, Beattock Road, A701, Moffat DG10 9HF.
What3words: - croak.thighs.resettle
Tuesday 18th October Ae Forest.
Alex leading
Social run 5-6 miles.
Trail shoes recommended
Meet in the main car park next to the cafe. What3Words: foil.reset.frog
Wednesday 19th October Dumfries
Q-Fitness coach leading
Strength training, cost is £5 per session
Indoor gym shoes recommended
Meet Queen of the South Arena, Dumfries DG2 9BA, What3words: eliminate.soda.coverage
Thursday 20th October Wamphray.
Kev Leading
Structured training.
Fell Shoes recommended
Meet: Old Station house postcode DG10 9NE. What3words: ///cape.potential.domain
Tuesday 25th October Auchenrodden Forest
Janet leading
Training run
Trail shoes recommended
Meet in the lay-by just past the school, Postcode DG11 2SH. What3words: - misfits.sparkles.spotty
Wednesday 26th October Dumfries
Q-Fitness coach leading
Strength training, cost is £5 per session
Indoor gym shoes recommended
Meet Queen of the South Arena, Dumfries DG2 9BA, What3words: eliminate.soda.coverage
Thursday 27th October Lockerbie Hass Hill
Kev leading
Structured training
Fell shoes recommended
Meet back of the Ambulance station, Postcode: - DG11 2RZ What3words: -engine.jiggle.crispier
Sunday 30th October Tinto Hill Race Recce (None HHRC members welcome to join us.)
Recce of Tinto Hill race route, the option of doing it a couple of times or more (Lorna) if you are after a loner run. Cake in the Café afterwards.
Meet 9:00am at the Station car park Moffat to car share, Beattock Road, A701, Moffat DG10 9HF.
What3words: - croak.thighs.resettle
Tuesday 1st November Dalswinton
Alex/Jen leading
Training run 5-6 miles
Trail shoes recommended
Meet at the large bell mouth as you head towards Dalswinton postcode: -DG1 1TE
Wednesday 2nd November Dumfries
Q-Fitness coach leading
Strength training, cost is £5 per session
Indoor gym shoes recommended
Meet Queen of the South Arena, Dumfries DG2 9BA, What3words: eliminate.soda.coverage
Thursday 3rd November Ae Forest.
Kev/Carolyn leading
Structed training intervals.
Trail shoes recommended
Meet in the main car park next to the cafe. What3Words: foil.reset.frog
Saturday 5th November Tinto Hill Race
11:15am at the Station car park Moffat to car share, Beattock Road, A701,
Moffat DG10 9HF.
What3words: - croak.thighs.resettle